Friday, July 23, 2010

Tip: Developing with a Samsung Galaxy S

It's amazingly non-obvious how to get development going with a Samsung Galaxy S. The USB driver in the Android SDK doesn't work (IIRC it only recognizes some subset of HTC models), and Samsung don't seem to ship one of their own anywhere. I spent a number of hours Googling and trying various broken drivers that did got me nowhere.

Until I found something that worked. The trick is to install a piece of Samsung software called "New PC Studio" (download from Follow the install instructions, and run it up. When you connect your phone (after being prompted to by the app UI of course) it'll install a bunch of drivers for you.

Now, one of these drivers will fail to install, and New PC Studio will inform you that your phone is "unrecognized". Don't worry, because before it failed it successfully installed a working USB driver that Eclipse and ADB can use, which was all you wanted anyway. You can then switch back to Eclipse/ADB and ignore New PC Studio for the rest of your life.

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